I know many of us have very busy schedules, myself included. Normally I´m either at school or home studying and writing essays, right now that´s my life....
But today I really felt the need of just being me, not focusing on school or social media even. I just sat and wrote, because I can´t remember the last time I devoted time to writing just to clear my head.I had coffee out on my balcony enjoying the sun and hearing spring sounds for the first time this year.
I ate what I felt like (toast was the choice haha) and just allowed myself to think without pressure. I actually like my own company, I can spend time alone and enjoy it, which I think of as a gift because there are always moments in our lives where we have to be alone.
So I have read travel blogs, fixed some stuff in my room, sortd through clothes, and I got pictures of the room I will be living in in Gothenborg, it was really nice and I can feel how close it is now, today it´s exactly 4 months til I graduate - which is sick!
I just wanted to remind you all that it´s okay to have a "you-day", you´ll catch up your workload tomorrow, but believe me it´s better to do it well rested and full of new energy :)
My evening is going to be spent with my favourite tea and a good movie, what are you going to do? :)
Love / F