I have FINALLY gotten good enough internet to blog again...So here comes a new post and some pictures!
I don’t know what I expected when I started traveling. But I can assure you that it didn’t include a boyfriend and a dog, and now I have both and couldn´t be happier. Traveling is one big adventure, but there are also periods that you are bored and wondering what on earth you were thinking leaving a secure job, giving up your apartment and leaving your friends and family behind. So I guess I started this blog for myself in the beginning but it have turned out to become so much more than just an online diary, it has become my way of telling other people that if I can do it, so can they.
And many of the emails I get consist of people telling me that I must be rich to travel and live abroad, and trust me when I say that that statement couldn’t be further away from the truth. I saved up a little money before I left Sweden, to have as a backup (around 50.000 SEK /5500 USD). The thing with traveling is that there is no right or wrong way to do it, we all find our way to manage, but we all share the same passion – to see and explore the world. Some people are great with computers and designing websites (I couldn’t do it to save my own life…), others have a degree that they use to get jobs overseas (partly what I´m doing), then there is the possibility of teaching English abroad (mostly in Asia and sadly enough most people want native English speakers) and then there is a diversity of online jobs. I am pretty new to this so I´m still exploring my options on how to make money while I´m on the road. And there is absolutely no shame in asking for advice, tips and whatever else you can come up with from experienced travellers, I do, ALL the time. I follow quite a number of traveling blogs and whenever I feel insecure or just need someone to kick my ass in the right direction I send them an E-mail.
Remember that the absolutely hardest thing when it comes to following your dream about traveling the world – is to actually START. I admit, I am still wondering what the hell and how in the holy jungles name I will manage, because there are times where I get no income and I see my savings go
* kapoofff * and it´s damn scary, but then I get a writing gig or someone wants to use my blog for an ad and I get some money again. It´s ups and downs, but I keep afloat.
I think there are different types of traveling but I think I have found my niche – Slow travel. Which basically means that you stay longer at each place, so you don’t have to rush through everything and you really get a feel for the country, its culture and life. Currently I am in South Africa, where I have spent a lot of time since June last year. I plan to stay here until around middle of May 2017 when I have a new exciting career move planned (more about that later!).
So if you sit there behind your computer thinking “I also want that kind of life” then my best and only advice for you is to sit down, go over your budget, figure out how much you need, if you want to just travel or work as well, figure out what and if you need a visa for the country you want to go to, start planning and the most important part – book a ticket!