Hey folks!
Once again I have spent numerous hours on a train from my hometown to Uppsala, where I study. I got back here around midnight monday night and have since then unpacked, done my washing and started to look into what I need to get done this semester. I can´t for the life of me understand where these past 2,5 years have gone...I seriously feel like I just started my education, and now it´s less than 5 months until I graduate?? I mean what the hell?
I am planning for my bachelor essay, an essay that in my head is still FAR in the future, but in reality it´s 1,5 week away until that course starts.
I am booking interviews with huge animal hospitals, I´m paying bills, planning my future, can someone please tell me when I became an adult? I still feel like I´m pretending to be grown up, like it´s all just a game...
I have told you from the beginning that I will be honest and open in this blog, and that it´s going to reflect my emotions and thoughts. Well, here is the thought of the day: I´m shitscared! It´s true, me who is always brave, badass and all that, I´m scared out of my mind to chase after my dreams. I´m contacting embassies, arranging an international drivers license, planning destinations I want to visit, renewing my passport, selling more stuff, trying to get a decent paid job for the summer and on top of all this I have classes to finish, essays to write and ALOT of scientific articles to read. Also somewhere in all this I´m trying to have a social life with my closest friends and trying to not think about how horrible it will be to be without them for sooo long!
Today I applied for a scholarship which if I get it will allow me to do my bachelor essay abroad, in South Africa. This would be a dream come true and I really hope that I will get it granted! Please cross your fingers!
I also applied for jobs in cities I have never lived in, taking a chance and hoping that if Iget it I will find a place to live. I want to be free, free to go where ever the wind blows, to be able to jump at opportunities when they appear, not being bound by appartment leasing contracts, monthly payments and such. I want to work with animals, where ever that is - like the true Nomadic Veterinary Nurse :)
Nomadic veterinary nurse låter ju toppen! :) Min familj planerar/förbereder/drömmer om att bli digitala nomader. Jag tycker det är skoj att följa ditt äventyr här på bloggen!