First of all I need to apologise for the blog post, I have no idea how it will look since I'm writing from my phone. ..Internet on the computer didn't work...yaay!
Where shall I start...well Friday afternoon came after alot of last-minute things had to be fixed, and I got a ride to the central station in Uppsala, Sweden by my lovely housemate Lovisa! I hopped on the bus to Arlanda airport and went to check in. For some mysterious reason my luggage was only booked to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. ...lovely. so after a.few technical fixes it was fixed but I was told to double check while in Ethiopia.
The first flight was around 9 hours and normally when I flight over night I can sleep decent, but this time? NO! So I watched movies, listened to music and stared in front of me...
Arrived in Ethiopia and went straight to my gate! Border 30 min later and got it confirmed that my bag was on board!
This flight was only 5 hours and I ended up next to a really nice guy from Austria named Ben! We talked the whole way about traveling! Landed in South Africa at 13.15 local time and got my luggage really quick. Was picked up by people from the farm and drove for 2 hours, stopped at the supermarket Spar so I could buy washing powder, cream soda (omg I have missed it so bad!), coffee and other essentials!! Went to the farm and when we open the gate Zaheli is right there. I just jumped out of the car and called her. She looked up right away but sceptical, she moved away at first but then something clicked and she came a date let me pet her!
I went to my chalait (got the same one I always live in) and unpacked. It's a strange feeling , feeling at home and falling into routines immediately.
I had dinner, showered and went to bed, I was so tired!!
Today my alarm went off at 6, I went up, made coffee and oats and ate it to the sound of lion roaring! Then I went for the morning meet-up and started my day. It's a lot of new animals now and I'm trying to grasp who is getting food when! So in the mornings I feed Zaheli, then the Kudu babies and the blesbookies and the impalas. Then I go on with giving the Liger his milk and cuddle a bit with him and the 3 leopards.
I feed the monkies oats and fruits, clean the ostriches enclosure, check on the bigger cubs, give tortoises food and water and pet the dogs!
Then it's tea time! I have a cup of coffee and relax, updating Facebook haha!
After tea-time it's cleaning time!! I clean with all the meerkats, nosebears, mongoose, leopards and guinea fawls. Change all the water and look so everyone is fine :)
Then I usually have time to cuddle and brush Zaheli, play with the leopards and the dogs for a bit, then I eat lunch cooked by a lady at the farm!
After lunch we go to cut fresh lusern with the tractor, rake it up and put into bags. I feed Zaheli and the kudos with lusern and the rest goes in the walk-in fridge!
We feed the liger, Zaheli and impalas milk again and take some of the animals in for the night.
Then feeding the meerkats meat, clean the kitchen and voila, day over!
I'm so tired after a workday that I could fall asleep standing up...but that shower and dinner is the best thing ever!!
Now I am going to bed before I fall asleep outside my chalait!!
At the moment I can't upload pictures due to crappy connection...hope to fix that soon. If you want to see pictures of what I do please feel free to add me on snapchat: girlonfire1215 or on facebook: Filippa Hertzberg!