Hi guys and SORRY for the complete worthless lack of updates. I have my last big course at the moment (advanced anesthesiology) and it takes up every moment of my day.... I have a huge written exam the 22nd and I really need to pass it since I won´t be in the country to re-take the test in april.
It´s only 12 days until I board a flight back to South Africa and I will stay for around 6 weeks, which will be so amazing and hopefully I´ll learn a lot this time to, and best of all is that I´ll get time to spend with my giraffe <3
I have booked my flight (and paid for it so my bank account and I are officially not friends), I have packed my bags, and the last of my stuff and will send 5 more boxes down to my mother then I´m done!
I have nothing else, I now own 1 HUGE suitecase (a new and pretty one that I bought 2 weeks ago), 1 old a bit smaller normal suitecase and 1 backpacking backpack haha. That´s it.... and when I´m done with the work this summer I will only have the backpack when I go back to South Africa. It´s crazy when I think about it because I have NO idea what use I´ve had for all of the stuff I had...I have almost nothing left, some study books, a few novels, clotes and some skin and hair products. What did I need all other stuff for?? It truly is a relief to not have shelves and cabinets full anymore...
I have ordered an international drivers license so i can drive legally down there and I have booked a time for boosting my rabies vaccine and I think I am done. now all I have to do is try to find more ways to get money for traveling and wildlife vet courses!
It feels so great to finally have a plan, and the fact that I will soon be finished with my university studies for now does feel damn good :D!
I will try and post more during the week but it will be the most hectic week of my life....
/ Love F