I´m bad at goodbyes - yet I have said many

I was up thinking last night, you know when you just can´t sleep and you lay there and all the thoughts comes storming into your head.
Well I thought about the path I have chosen in life. It has given me the absolute best experiences but also some of my hardest moments. I have moved many times these past 3 years.
I met a man in 2012 and I moved from home into our appartment in Malmö, very close to the sea. We got married in 2013 and after that I got accepted into my dream education - veterinary technician school. It´s a 3 year bachelor program here in Sweden only located in on place with no possibility of online schooling. So my then husband and I packed up and moved to this little city called Skara. It was really hard for me to say goodbye to my friends and family, especially to my mom.
Leaving my hometown Malmö , I´m a sea lover
The little city Skara that I moved to <3
But as school started I gained a bunch of friends, 3 of which I today consider my best friends that I can talk about everything with. But the education moved to yet another city, even further up north, a city called Uppsala. So once again my husband and I picked up and moved. We bought a beautiful apartment that I truly loved and I got in to the new routines. I got my first job in my line of profession and continued to study hard.
I went on an internship for just 1 month at a conservation zoo called "Nordens Ark" where I truly found myself, I realised that wildlife was my calling. This I realised while I stood with my hand on a curious persian leopards´ paw.
After 1,5 years of marriage we decided that it wasn´t working and we got a divorce, and it was yet another goodbye (even though we are still great friends). It was a goodbye to the life I knew as a wife, to the life I was used to living and I found myself suddenly on my own, I was supposed to make ends meet and manage my life.
One of my best friends and I went to South Africa to volunteer for 5,5 weeks, and when she went home as planned I stayed, I have never felt so alone in my life as when I was waving goodbye to her at the trainstation in South Africa. I wondered what had I done...?
I was in love, with the country a man and a giraffe, not to mention the amazing starfilled sky. And after almost 4 months in the Free State I had to go home in order to finish my studies. Yet again, very hard goodbyes, especially when it came to Zaheli, the giraffe I couldn´t imagine my life without. And as with many relationships the one I had in South Africa dind´t work out whihch kind of broke my heart, and it was yet another goodbye.
The past few months I have been sharing a big house in Uppsala with the most amazing people, we all get along really well and have really fun! And a really big plus is that my best friend Ida lives here too.But in only 4 moths I will be graduating, I will be a licensed veterinary technician and I have accepted a fulltime job over the summer in a completely new city where I will rent a room at a relatives´place. So now I´m standing at the edge of another goodbye, and this will be a really hard one, I will not only say goodbye to the life as a student, I will say goodbye to my closest friends, the awesome people I live with and the cats that I have started to grow really fond of.
And in September I will move to South Africa for probably a full year to try and go after my dreams, and I Don´t even want to think about neither leaving my friends and family here in Sweden nor leaving Africa after all that time.
I also have one of my best friends in South Africa and not being able to see her is also a form of goodbye.
Did I mention that I´m really bad at goodbyes???
But do I regret my choice of a nomadic life? NO! But I do wish I could pack upp every person and animal I care about all over the world and take them with me. But for now they will stay in my heart , until I see them again .
Love / F

Sometimes we all need some inspiration!

Some days are just...well not good and you will need courage and hope to get through them. Many people are telling me how wonderful my life is and how lucky I am, and I almost get irritated haha. Because on some people it sounds like I have been handed this great life on a silver plate...
And guess what - I haven´t. I have worked really hard to establish the life I have today, I have gotten myself into my dream education to become a veterinary technician, I have fought to pass every exam, I got my first job within the field and freaked out, haha. I have also been married and gotten divorced, all at the tender age of 23. I have made sacrifices to get where I am, I have saved money, I have sold my stuff and I have tested out new ideas.
And now I have accepted a job for 3 months in a new city, gotten a place to stay (Thanks to wonderful people!!) and made a plan for my future. Sometimes its about jumping off that cliff and hoping as hell you grow wings on the way down!!
I´m not saying that many of these things in my life would have been possible without the wonderful people I have in my life that always supports me, and that is both friends and family <3 But I am saying that only you are responsible for your own life.
Starting this blog little over a year ago I wanted a place to write down my thoughts, and hopefully inspire people to go after what they want in life! And today, 1 year later I get e-mails and messages on facebook from people all over the world telling me I inspired them to take that plunge, or to quit the job they hated or to start school again - to me that is wonderful <3
I´m not saying everything is going to be easy, but if it´s what you want, it´s gonna be worth it!
So if you have a dream, or maybe just having a bad day, remember - you CAN do it!
When I´m down and need encouragement I usually read quotes, look at pictures and read inspirational texts. So here are a few quotes I love, and remember - hang in there <3
Love / F

Busy week!

Hey guys! 
I´m really sorry for my absence this past week. I have started a new course at the university, my bachelor thesis course. I finally setteled for a subject - Anesthesia on giraffes :D I´m really excited because it´s a subject I really want to learn more about, and I know it will come in handy in my future work with wildlife :)
So I did promise you a picture throwback from when I was in Africa last time, so here you go:
Me and Zaheli (the giraffe) And also Baghera the naughty tiger!
The very first time Zaheli was allowed to go outside, here she is around 1,5 weeks I think. Little baby lion Rex and the cute female tiger.
Zaheli and Winter (an Eland antilope) , These two stole my heart completely!
I saw that I have a bunch of new readers from all over the world, all the way from Uruguay actually, very much welcome to all of you, I really hope you will like my blog. It´s nothing more than travel tips, wildlife work and for another few months it will be about schoolwork as well :D
Please spread the blog to everyone that might be interested :D
Love / F